More about Earth Remote SensingThe theoretical foundation for the uncovering of the interior of the Earth’s crust through multispectral space imagery was developed by Soviet scientists who suggested that different objects reflect different amounts of incoming energy. More studies showed that earth radiation retains a memory of its origin, so information about the deep subsurface processes taking place inside an object is contained in any object's radiant energy. It has been confirmed many times that the temperature state of the rock is determined by the rising endogenous heat flow, the dynamics of the geological environment and the thermal properties of the rock. Satellites take multispectral and hyperspectral images in multiple wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, where each pixel has complete spectral information. Hence, Earth Remote Sensing data processing requires running a comprehensive analysis of multispectral characteristics including calculations of the effective flux density of spectral and thermal radiation taking into attention block-fault structures, spatial and temporal dynamics and normalized vegetation stress in relation to the deep structure of the geologic environment.

Earth Remote Sensing

NOVEL experienced in processing vertical and angular satellite images, and analysis of the radiation intensity of the elements using the especial mathematical calculations, algorithms, and software packages to "enlighten” the entire territory of the search and determine the relative concentration of the natural resources like oil and gas, helium, water and geothermal deposits in the form of 2D and 3D models.
Data processing methodology based on the following:
• all initial information is obtained from the satellite
• reference objects data processing required
• data from both passive and active satellite sensors can be processed
• processed multispectral and hyperspectral satellite imagery, including red and infrared range regions
• continuous and repetitive looks from many bandwidths simultaneously over the studied area
• construction of historical information of the studied area
• identification of potential oil, gas, helium, water, and geothermal reservoirs using specific interpretation techniques
• identification of the feeding source and oil migration routes
• method requires Helium surveying field work (oil, gas, helium, or geothermal exploration) for calibration with the results of Remote Sensing data processing
• well data will be used for high-resolution calibration where existing wells are available in the study area