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After investing into expensive and high-risk exploration surveys, the right solution for oil companies at the early development stage could be the enhancement of the recovery factor from newly drilled wells by planning optimal well patterns, production and injection.

NOVEL offers Integrated Reservoir Management to maximise the oil recovery and save costs in drilling through an improved development strategy. It’s basically NOVEL’s way of combining complementary approaches and techniques such as reservoir characterization, use of complex well architecture, especial core analysis design of recovery processes, reservoir monitoring and AI-based reservoir simulation, and creating a positive synergy between them. 

We use a large amount of well data acquired while drilling the first wells within the field to develop the knowledge of the reservoir, update the reservoir model, reduce the underlying uncertainties, design the most suitable production architecture, ensure the productivity and the injectivity of the wells, target bypassed zones, select the most appropriate recovery process, and hence, increase the overall recovery.

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